Notizie di Migrantes 2.0

Zuppa vegetale, una ricetta nigeriana

Vegetable soup Ingredient: meat crayfish onion peper shat maggi cube red oil water   Wash the meat in the pot, put a little water. Put salt, pepper,...

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Migrantes 2.0: "In un villaggio chiamato Ota"

Story about a woman who had no child after 10 years of mariage and her mother in law and the rest of the family are accuseing her of witch craft. So compline to one of her best friend about her proble...

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Migrantes 2.0: "Beatrice e le sue figlie"

My name is Beatrice, I’m born in Camerun in a village call Betti, in the september 1982. My father is coming from the English part of Camerun an my mother from French part of Camerun.I have thre...

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Migrantes 2.0: "Experience about my singing"

 Experience about my singingIL FESTIVAL DELLA CANZONEWhen singing you have to listen to  yourself and  fell relax and show what you have inside you and make it be fun.   I mee...

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Raddusa, Gaye racconta il "Viaggio della speranza"

Gaye,24 anni, è un ragazzo africano originario del Mali, ora ospite del Centro di accoglienza di Raddusa dove si trova molto bene e ha instaurato uno splendido rapporto con gli operatori. Colt...

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Experience about my work. La mia esperienza lavorativa

My experience about my work was that communicating with people I don't know. I learning a lot  from these people and it makes me more popular and more responsible as a person and people respect m...

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