My life story
- di Redazione Il Solidale
- 17 mag 2018
- Migrantes 2.0
My name is Ali Sulayman Jaye live in the Gambia, I am 18 years old. I want to write my story why I move from Africa to Europe. I was living with my family which involves my dad, my mother, my one sister and my two brothers. My dad pass away when I was 14 years. My dad pass away because he was having a sickness called highblood. Before he died, he was working on a taxi, he was a taxi driver, his friend gave him car for him to work and he will be paid monthly. I was going to school, I have gone to school for 7 years. But after all stopped. Because at that time my dad was very sick and he was the only one paying for my schooling. After when my dad pass away my mother got married to another man called Alagie. My daddy’s name is Sora, my mother name is Lissa, but Alagie before he got married to my mother he has got a wife already with other 3 children my mother is the second wife now. After some months later Alagie called us me, my two brothers and my sister. He said we have to move at his house because he cannot countinue to pay for ours house rent, because my dad did not have his own compound. After we move to his compound one day I ask him Alagie please can you help me to countine me and go back to school because my dad is dead, and he was the one paying my schooling and I want to go to school again. He said he will think about it the following morning he called me in his room and said he cannot pay my school fees because he is not my father he only got married to my mother and my mother said she will try and talk with him and see one day my mother went out and I was in the house with my brothers, and we were very hungry we want to eat, and Alagie first wife said we will not eat anything, that where is our father, but we beg her until she gave us small food and we marriage and eat. When my mother return home we explained everything to her, she said she is sorry for us but she cannot do nothing because she don’t want to lost her married. One day we went to the farm and when we were about to go back home, Alagie said one of his sheep. Is missing and I should not go back home until I have seen the sheep. I looked about it for 12 hours, but I did not saw it I went back home, he said what am I doing in the compound without me bringing along the sheep and he said I should not sleep in the house, I should go and sleep in the animal room and he gave me candle for lightening and I burn on the candle and fall asleep and the candle burn the house of the sheeps and I was lying down there and I hear people screeming and I wake up and see fire in the house of the animals. I was very scared and I started to cry and Alagie said is all my fault I burn the room on the animals for that he will killed me that very night I ran out of the compound I was just in the street the following morning I meet my mother on her way going to buy breackfast and she told me I should find place to go before my step dad Alagie see me around and kill me, she gave me 2610 dallasi. That was why I take this deadly riskly journey called backway, and here am I today in Europe and telling my story. This is my story and reason why I have my country to Europe.
Mi chiamo Ali Sulayman Jaye, vivevo in Gambia e ho 18 anni. Voglio scrivere la storia della mia vita e del perché mi sono spostato dall’Africa all’Europa. Vivevo con la mia famiglia composta da mio papà, mia mamma mia sorella e 2 fratelli. Mio papà è venuto a mancare quando avevo 14 anni a causa di una malattia ( pressione alta). Mio papà ero un taxista la cui macchina gli venne data da un suo amico al quale mensilmente saldava il debito. Ho frequentato la scuola per 7 anni, ma ho dovuto abbandonare gli studi a causa della malattia di mio padre e lui era l’unico che lavorava e che poteva pagarmi gli Dopo la morte di mio papà, mia madre si è risposata con Alagie. Mio papà si chiamava Sora e mia mamma Lissa, Alagie, il marito di mia madre aveva già altri 3 figli con la prima moglie. Dopo qualche mese Alagie disse a me e ai miei fratelli che dovevamo trasferisci a casa sua perché non poteva più pagare l’affitto dell’appartamento dove vivevamo Dopo esserci trasferiti a casa sua gli chiesi se poteva pagarmi gli studi, visto che mio papà era la sola persona che lavorava e che io avevo voglia di riprendere gli studi. Mi rispose che doveva pensarci e il giorno dopo mi chiamò dicendomi che non poteva perché lui non è mio padre ma ha solo sposato mia mamma. Raccontai tutto a mia mamma che mi rispose che avrebbe parlato e spiegato tutto. Un giorno mia mamma era fuori casa e io e miei fratelli avevamo tanta fame e la prima moglie di Alagie ci disse che non potevamo mangiare nulla e che dovevamo supplicarla per avere del cibo. Quando mia mamma ritornò a casa le spiegammo tutto ma lei rispose dispiaciuta che non poteva farci nulla ma che non voleva perdere suo marito. Un giorno andai in fattoria e quando sono rientrato Alagie mi disse che una delle sue pecore si era smarrita e che non dovevo rientrare in casa finché la pecora non fosse rientrata. La cercai per 12 ore senza risultato, quando rientrai a casa Alagie mi disse che avrei dovuto dormire in fattoria e non potevo più rientrare in casa, mi diede una candela per far luce, ma io mi addormentai. La candela bruciò all’interno della fattoria ed io mi svegliai dalle grida della gente e vidi le fiamme. Ero molto spaventato e cominciai a piangere, Alagie mi disse che mi avrebbe ucciso per questo corsi in strada e non rientrai in casa. Il giorno dopo incontrai mia madre che stava andando a comprare la colazione e mi disse che dovevo trovarmi un’altra sistemazione prima che il mio patrigno mi uccidesse e mi diede una somma di denaro di 45 euro ed è per questo che decisi di affrontare questo viaggio rischioso e adesso mi trovo in Europa e questa è la mia storia.
Ali Sulayman Jaye